Our Beliefs

Under the guidance and leadership of the Lord Jesus Christ, we the members of the Crosspoint Fellowship Baptist Church of Atascosa County adopt the attached constitution in order to declare and preserve the principles of our faith, the freedom of our church, and the rights and responsibilities of our individual members. 



" Our purpose is to be found faithful in bringing people to Jesus, becoming a part of His family, discipling them, and equipping them for ministry in the church and their mission in the world, bringing glory to God."



This church affirms the Holy Bible, the inspired word of God, as the authority in all matters of faith and practice. We further identify ourselves as a distinctive body of faith. 


Policy and Relationship

Jesus Christ is the head of the church, the true source of all that the church is and does, and His glory is to be the objective of every act, function, and motive of the body, both individually and corporately. It is before Him that all other leadership must bow. He communicates his will for the church through His word, the Bible. He gives additional guidance by means of the specific leading of the Holy Spirit who indwells the heart of each believer. He calls forth leaders for the church to whom He gives responsibility for the oversight of the church body and the shepherding of its member. The government of this church is vested in the body of believers who compose its membership and leadership. Persons meeting the membership requirements shall constitute the membership. All internal groups created and empowered by the church shall exist to further the purpose of the church. They will be accountable to the church. As an autonomous local church, this church is not subject to the control of any ecclesiastical body. However, it relates to and cooperates with the Frio River Baptist Association, the Baptist General Convention of Texas, and other entities of like faith in sharing the gospel with the whole world. 


A church is understood to be a fellowship of baptized believers brought together to carry out the work of Jesus Christ. A baptized believer is one who has been scripturally immersed and understands baptism to be a symbol of the salvation which has already been accepted in their life by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. 


The Lord's Supper

The church will observe the Lord's Supper on a regular basis as led by the Pastor, staff, or lay leaders. The Lord's Supper is a symbolic act whereby the church, through partaking of the bread and the fruit of the vine, memorialize the death of Christ and anticipate His second coming.